Frequently Asked Questions

What does Latinicida mean, and how is it pronounced?

“Latinicida” - the embodiment of Latin roots while foraging paths within professional realms.

Latinicida is pronounced: la-te-knee-see-dah (LTN for short)

Are you a 501(c)(3) Non-profit?

Yes, we sure are! We are proudly a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the U.S. To discover and learn more about the mission behind our business and how to get involved, please email

Why are Latinas our focus?

Latinas are vastly underrepresented within professional & academic realms. Obtaining visibility in these areas while challenging the typical gender roles often upheld by the Latin community can be difficult. Our focus is to achieve equal representation by creating opportunities for Latinas to pave the way for generations.

Latino(a), Hispanic, VS. Spanish?

  • Latino(a): A person from Latin America

  • Hispanic: Relating to, characteristics of, or derived from Spain or Spanish-speaking countries.

  • Spanish: A language, and people from Spain.

However, the terms Hispanic and Latino are often used interchangeably to describe people who are of or relate to Latina American origin or descent.

What is LTN’s Mission?

We are dedicated to the advancement of Latinas through academic assistance, leadership development, and civic engagement while helping bridge opportunity gaps and economic disparities within the Latin community in the U.S.

What is LTN’s Goal?

Our goal is to increase the integration of Latinas within all aspects of the classroom, community, and corporate structure while embracing cultural heritage and establishing networks among other Latinas.

Who can be an LTN Mentor/Mentee?

All are welcome! Latinicida desires to ease the burden by directly connecting you to women from a variety of industries. We also have events open to anyone to help guide you through various tips and tricks in the professional world. To discover more, email

How can I get involved with LTN?

We offer multiple opportunities for involvement, ranging from volunteering, mentorships, and sponsorships. No matter where you are in your life, you can get involved at Latinicida. To discover more, please contact us at