Amanda Coger

Position: Treasurer


Amanda was born in Wilmington, Delaware of a Mexican-American mother and Native American father. She is the mother of two girls, Alexis and Gabriella, who have largely played a role in her passion for the advancement of Latinx equality and Women’s rights.

Amanda studied Organizational Management at Wilmington University and worked the last nine years in the banking sector, focusing primarily on fraud and Risk analytics. In addition to her work in the banking sector, Amanda advocates for financial literacy and has dedicated time to teaching financial literacy workshops to children and adults.

In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, cooking/trying new food or restaurants, and traveling to new places.


Get to Know Amanda


How would you describe yourself?

Intelligent, Strong, Independent, Funny, Charismatic and loving.

Who is another woman who has inspired you in your life? Why does she inspire you? What are some of her compelling qualities?

My Mama Hazel. She is the strongest woman I’ve ever known. She faced so many adversities in her life and overcame them all while never losing her loving and nurturing spirit.

If you could have 1 hour of uninterrupted time with her, what would you do ? What would you talk about? Where would you go?

We’d go on a road trip- she was always on the move. I’d talk to her about her life and past. I feel like there are so many things I never got to learn about her before she left us.

There are many young Latinas in hopes of starting pursuing her dreams and goals. What advice would you give her?

I would tell them to be proud of who they are and where they came from - there is no shame in hard work or asking for help. Also, don’t shrink yourself or minimize your voice to fit in - that is what makes you who you are!

What quote or phrase has stayed with you?

“You cannot pour from an empty cup” - Just a reminder, especially to women, that we need to remember to slow down and take care of ourselves.